Author Archives: Dennis

[SR] Oh, Happy Day

This morning, my good friend Salvation pointed me in the direction of some much needed good news about Shadowrun. Apparently, the boys over at FiringSquad, had been taking some pictures over at the Games for Windows booth, run by Microsoft, and came across the following display:

(Click on the pictures for a larger example.)

FiringSquad wrote:
E3 2006: Shadowrun Game Confirmed for PC

We have arrived in Los Angeles and just finished making a quickie tour of the downtown convention center as preparations are still underway for getting it ready for the exhibit halls to open for E3 this Wednesday. Just inside the lobby of the South Hall were signs attached to support beams for several games that will be on display at Microsoft’s Games for Windows exhibit and one of them was none other than for Shadowrun, the long rumored adaptation of the cyberpunk pen-and-paper RPG. Since it’s attached to the Games For Windows exhibit we have to assume it’s coming for the PC (some rumors of a Shadowrun game had it as an Xbox 360 only title). We will be posting up some pictures we took outside and inside the LA Convention Center shortly.

A few days earlier, they also reported the following:

FiringSquad wrote:
Shadowrun Gaming Hints?

There have been lots of rumors over the last several months that Microsoft was working on some kind of Shadowrun title for the Xbox 360, based on the well known pen-and-paper cyberpunk sci-fi RPG. Well, today Microsoft’s FASA Studios team has a teaser image on its main web site with four characters in shadow that look an awful lot like Shadowrun characters.

The rumour-mill is telling me that it’ll be a Windows Vista-only game, which will be published somewhere in 2007. I’ll keep you updated as news comes in.


Henry Rollins wrote:
The first to start and the last to quit, the loser runs longest but unknown.

Advertisement Targeted at Childeren

There’s very little that makes me angrier about contemporary society than how children are being explicitely targeted by advertisments. It teaches them how to be consumers, and their choice about whether or not they have to be a consumer (and with that I mean that consumption becomes the highest ideal) is taken away, like it was with me, and probably everyone I know.

This, literally, makes me sick to my stomach:

Stichting de Kinderconsument komt met boek over reclame, voor en door kinderen
Vives Media brengt in samenwerking met Stichting De Kinderconsument vandaag een boekje op de markt over reclame, dat is samengesteld voor en door kinderen. ‘Reclame? Weet wat je ziet!’ is geschreven door Liesbeth Hop, beleidsdirecteur bij De Kinderconsument en initiatiefneemster van Stichting Reklame Rakkers, een organisatie die het commerciële bewustzijn van kinderen verbetert.
Het boekje bevat tekeningen over reclame die kinderen kennen en uitspraken hoe zij reclame ervaren. Er wordt op de vele uitingsvormen van reclame ingegaan: tv, kleding, posters, internet en mobiel. Er worden ook tips gegeven om met reclame om te leren gaan. Van de ja/nee stickers op de brievenbus tot software om internet pop-ups tegen te gaan. Het boekje is bedoeld voor kinderen van groep 7-8 (en hun ouders en leerkrachten). Volgens Liesbeth Hop van De Kinderconsument is het aantal commerciële boodschappen gericht op kinderen de laatste jaren enorm toegenomen, terwijl uit onderzoek is gebleken dat kinderen pas op hun twaalfde over de kennis en vaardigheden beschikken om de commerciële omgeving goed te kunnen interpreteren. Vea-directeur Frans Blanchard heeft vorige week vrijdag het eerste exemplaar van het boek uitgereikt aan leerlingen van groep 6, 7 en 8 van de Buitenveldertse Montessorischool.

Parkour: David Belle

I really dislike hearing people talk about what they could’ve been, “if only” this, “if only” that. While wasting some time at work today, I read up on Parkour, and it’s creator, David Belle. Amazing stuff, and given the right opportunity to be taught (this simply isn’t something you can self-teach, unless you’re supremely gifted), I’d like to take it up. And here comes the part that fills me with self-disgust; “If only my right ankle will hold.”

Fuck “if only…”