I was driving along at a 160 kph, and I saw a Honda Prelude loom up in the distance. It was red [which is a bit of a shame], but the tires were about as broad as mine, so it was probably a nutcase like me. Now, I drive a Honda Civic, a substantially smaller Honda…but with those tires it looks absolutely mutated. Also, I have golden logo’s on my car, which is a clear indication to any Honda fan that I am a total Honda drooler. So I drive up, he’s in the middle lane, I’m in the left lane. I notice that he has golden logo’s as well, so I slow down to match his speed and look over to his car, and then to who is in the driver’s seat. It’s a guy, about 22 years old, looking mighty proud of himself. I give him an appreciative nod and I switch back to third gear and blast off. I switch lanes and go and drive in front of him. I can see from my rearview mirror that he sees my logo’s and I decide to race off. I’m zooming in and out of traffic and all of a sudden I see his car [way much faster and more powerful than mine] drive up, two lanes away from me. The road comes to a splitsing. He veers off to the left, I to the right. He looks at me and nods appreciatively and gives me the thumbs up. My morning is good. :)
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:) Moments like that totally rock.