I had a nice, refreshing, long phone-conversation with Eva last night, and suddenly I found myself confronted by a story that some people from the Bulldrek Online Community, people that I’ve met on occassion, had a very negative view of me. Aparently, when this came out, Eva lost her temper and defended me by saying that my online persona should not be taken as an indicator of how I am in real life. And that the brief moments of real-world interaction with me should not be taken as anything more than just a short snap-shot of reality.
When I heard this, I was a little shocked. Some of the people involved are people I considered to be on a friendly level with. I never considered them friends, however. I don’t know them well enough for that. Incidences like this reitterate the fact that these people areĀ not my friends.
It’s like having loose contacts with a person you see on the bus every day, or a co-worker. You talk to them, you discuss things, but you can bet your ass they’ll sell you out if needs be. They’ll talk behind your back, they’ll stab the knife. But there’s one difference; distance. It’s easier to distance yourself from someone you don’t have to look in the eye the next day on the bus.
We live and learn.
It’s ok People suck. I think for the longest time some people saw me as some sort of peppy retarded cheerleader type chick that didn’t know how to type properly. That and then the “i need attention chick”. stuff like that.
I think what made my day was when Lil said in the car “you know i just realized how cool you are”. That was the end of that. I would not sweat it unless they really went off on insulting you and shit. I wasn’t there so i wouldn’t know. *hugs*
Love ya!
Eat me! I hate you, milkman Dan.
Told you so… Now you know why I’m so adamant about “certain” things… If you know what I mean.