Pink Racing Stripes

So, tonight, as I was leaving home to go to Kung Fu, I got in my car and drove off. Not too far from my house I saw a rather large puddle of pink paint on the ground. Instead of doing what any sensible person would do, which is to say, drive around the fucking puddle, I decided to blast right through it. I had the top down, and because of that I could hear the rhythmic sludging noise of the left front tire stamping the road with pink paint as I drove, but I figured that shit would wear away sooner or later, so I wasn’t worried.

It wasn’t until I stood at a stoplight that I figured something more was going on than just a dirty tire, when I saw people eyeing the side of my car with curious, puzzled looks on their faces. I pulled over, got out and saw that there were stripes and splashes of pink paint all down the side of my car. That I wasn’t hit with it is a miracle, because that shit was everywhere.

I got to Kung Fu, got some coins off of people, and drove down the street, where there was a car-wash place. Not one of those drive-through type car-washes, but the ones where you get to toy around with high-pressure water cannons. I had such a blast cleaning the paint off, that I decided to clean my entire car while I’m at it. I got so incredibly high off the soap fumes that I’m thinking of making this into a bi-weekly excercise.

When I got back to Kung Fu I was so incredibly giddy that the entire class got derailed and we were all acting stupid and laughing at everything.

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