So I got the keys to my new apartment yesterday. Well, “new” ain’t exactly the word I’d use to describe the place. It’s nice enough, but it needs work. I got to see it for the second time, and it really doesn’t look as nice as I remembered it. I really need to get rid of the interior, but I want to store it some place so I can put it back once I leave. It’s really quite horrible – to the point where even the landlord says he’s absolutely cool with me chucking things out; he just wants a furnished apartment back with furniture of at least equal quality. There’s green carpet on the floor that really needs to go. I mean…green carpet…
Marco hasn’t really been responding to any of my e-mails lately, and I’m wondering if my leaving is putting him in a position where he’s upset with me. I’ve been asking him over and over if we can make a deal on some of the furniture in the house and he hasn’t replied to even one of my e-mails regarding it. It’s getting to the point where I think I should call him soon. It would be awesome if I could take two or three sticks of furniture and perhaps some kitchen stuff.
The coming week is going to be crazy. Veed (Claus), Lin (Megan), Toryu (Jan), Tease (Lindsay), Flak (Simon) and Big Jim (Jim) are coming over to visit Amsterdam, and with the exception of Jim they’re all staying with me. Heavy D has already been sweet enough to offer up his home from Saturday onward, and Eva has done so, too. But seeing as how she lives in a studio-apartment with her boyfriend, it’s not such a good idea to put people up there. I think it’ll be a combination of my apartment, “Studio de Baars” or my house, “Villa BdV.”
Veed and Lin are coming quite early, on Wednesday, with the rest trickling in on Friday night and Saturday morning. It’s going to be a hell of a weekend.
Suggestion Perhaps Marco doesn’t know how to reply just yet, because I’m sure that your move poses several difficult questions for him, regarding the house.
I hope all the visiting hooligans won’t give you too much trouble, and I hope you won’t be inflicted with your nasty headaches while they’re around.
Quite envious of the good times that will be had this weekend by all of you.