
Over the last two months or so I’ve been taking a break from my usual online life. I say my usual online life, because I haven’t gone completely offline, either. I’ve been playing a lot of Warcraft, working a lot and spending some time with family and friends from abroad. I’ve been meaning to pick up on my web-development, and perhaps even starting to convert the Bulldrek phpBB template, but at the moment, I can’t be arsed. I need to plan for a trip to India in September (provided the complications surrounding that trip don’t make it impossible for me to go) and I need to plan more actively for my move to Amsterdam.

Regarding that move; I finally did a bit of planning. I’ve got a furnished apartment. When I say furnished, I mean that the bare necessities are there; a small sofa, a table, a cupboard, washing machine, refridgerator, stove, bed, etc. Most of that stuff is old and badly maintained. I asked the landlord and he was fine with me tossing it out, as long as he got a furnished apartment back once I moved out. Seeing as how I don’t want to replace his furniture I’m going to keep it in storage. I’m hoping to get that done this weekend. Then, I want to see if I need/want to paint the walls and ceiling. Once that’s done, I take out all the ugly, ratty-ass, green carpet and have a new wooden floor installed in about four weeks or so. That should be enough time to get everything moved out, the walls painted if needed, and the carpet removed. Perhaps I can then also get a phone-line installed, and an internet hookup. Then when the floor is installed, I can move my belongings, which isn’t much, into a nice, clear, fresh(er) apartment.

To do: find out about hiring a van for this weekend.

Also, I have to make special mention of something that’s been gobbling up a lot of my spare time as well; Warblade, a Galaga-like game, by the maker of…Galaga! It’s awesome…and very addictive.

Then, at last, I have to say that I’ve been neglecting three things all this time; The Sopranos (Season Five), Kung Fu, and eating regularly.

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