
For the first time in my life, as far as I can remember, I’m feeling jealous of others. It’s a very faint, and almost imperceptible, but after some time of wondering what this discontentment was that was seeping into me, I come to the conclusion that I am just jealous of either the success or the posessions of others. This feeling is new to me, which is partly the reason why it took me a while to identify it, and I don’t really know what to do about it, apart from achieve that which I’m longing for, of course. I have to be careful, however, for not falling in the trap of wanting things just because someone else has it. Perhaps it’s because I am, for the first time, falling behind on the curve. I’ve had such a head start on a lot of things, that I was never really worried or concerned…but that might just be the result of a tortoise-and-the-hare situation. Rest assured that I’ll be thinking on this for the coming few days, while I try to expel this feeling, for it’s not really making me much happier.

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