[SR] E3 Game Trailer

So I found the E3 Game Trailer for Shadowrun, and it looks kind of funky. If it had been called anything else, I would’ve gladly played the game because it has passing resemblance to Shadowrun, but since it’s actually supposed to be Shadowrun, I’m kind of put off by it. Anyway, there’s the trailer, enjoy.

4 comments on “[SR] E3 Game Trailer

  1. Liniah

    of passing interest? Adam posted about the SR game in his LJ. I don’t know if you read it or not, but if you didn’t you may be interested in checking it out.

  2. DV8

    I guess I am not authorised to see his private posts, because I can’t find the post you’re referring to. Anything worth copy-pasting for me, Lin?

  3. Liniah

    AJ LJ Just this quote from some guy at Microsoft-

    “Microsoft employee Philip Richardson on the just announced Shadowrun PC/XBox 360 game:

    I’m usually not one to openly criticise my employer (Microsoft) on my blog. However the travesty which has befallen Shadowrun demands that I speak out. After FASA imploded many years ago Microsoft ended up with all the computer game rights to the FASA properties (Battletech, Shadowrun and even freaking Earthdawn). Now I understand that we must make some comprimise in the nature of a game when we transfer it from pen & paper to a computer. I’m a PM: I understand the business of tough comprimises. What happened here was not a comprimise: it was total freaking re-invention. I’m not talking the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica with human looking cylons: I’m talking about re-making Lord of the Rings in which Frodo drives to Morder in a Lamborghini Murciélago. If you work for FASA and you are reading this then I welcome you to take the shuttle over to my office and punch me the face. Seriously: I won’t be offended since your damn game just kicked me the metaphoric balls.”

    That was his post, also including this link where it came from:

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