I just went swimming. I hit the pool at 7:54, so I was a little late, and it was obviously a lot more busy. Invariably, this means that there will be more recreational swimmers* than normally, and I was sure it was going to screw with my earlier set time. There was one older woman in particular who was far too slow for the medium lane, but not only that, seemed to ignore pretty much all flow of traffic, and sometimes swamdiagonally across the lane. (!?) There were also two women who talked while they swam, which meant the world’s longest traffic jam queuing up behind them. They didn’t seem to mind. Or care. They must die.

Luckily there were two swimmers that were more experienced and faster than I. One relatively beautiful and graceful woman, whom I didn’t see too much, as she was always one lap away, in the other direction, and a guy who was a powerswimmer. Why he wasn’t in the fast lane, I have no clue, I guess he likes to frustrate himself. I ended up swimming in his wake. He was only a bit faster than I, which I made up by not taking any breaks between laps like he did, but he was like a snowplow, and I was relatively unobstructed by talking women. The only thing was that I had to swim in his turbulence, that wasn’t so much fun. Anyway, I was out of the pool by 8:24, so altogether I did make good time.

* I fully understand that to a lot of people there, I, too, am a recreational swimmer.

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