Shaun of the Dead

Shaun of the Dead [2004]

Director: Edgar Wright
Actor: Simon Pegg

Around the time of 28 Days Later, and Dawn of the Dead, there was a lot of attention for zombie-flicks, and many people parodied the easily-parodied sub-genre of zombie-flicks. Not everyone did it right, but at least someone did; Shaun of the Dead.

It’s a film about Shaun, who wakes up one day, walks to the grocers to get a can of coke, like he always does, and completely fails to notice all the zombies in the street. He comes home and goes to play PlayStation with his best friend until, by accident, they find a girl in their backyard. At first they think she’s drunk, but as soon as she tries to, well, you know, eat him, they finally have the sense to turn on the tellie, only to find that the whole city is overrun with zombies. The two of them quickly decide upon a plan to rescue Shaun’s mom, and his (ex-)girlfriend.

Insert hilarity and a fair bit of acting from time to time. The John Woo-esque scene in that movie is billiant. Watch for it, you’ll notice it when people are pointing broken bottles at one another.

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