The Departed

The Departed [2006]

Director: Martin Scorsese
Actor: Leonardo DiCaprioMatt DamonJack NicholsonMark WahlbergMartin SheenRay Winstone

A good film, but not a great film. I can’t help but compare it to the much more accomplished Infernal Affairs, of which The Departed is a remake. The acting is top-notch, although Jack Nicholson goes a bit over the top in his crazed-bad-guy-maniac role, and Di Caprio does an especially good job of portraying someone under the mental duress of an undercover cop who might not have the psychological fortitude for the job. The editing is absolutely abysmal, and perhaps that’s Scorcese’s quirky way of filming, but it wasn’t so much fun while in the cinema. He knows how to put a scene together like no other, he just doesn’t know how to start or end it, it seems. Ugly and sloppy.

See either Infernal Affairs or The Departed, but don’t see both, otherwise you’re going to be disappointed with the latter.

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