
The idea of nuclear fusion, or cold fusion is so overwhelming to me. Creating energy will solve everything. Everything. The idea that I will be able to see it in my lifetime fills me with so much optimism and hope!

6 comments on “Fusion

  1. DV8

    I did, and it was the reason why I thought it. It wasn’t the first time that I thought it, though, but it’s [i]so[/i] cool to be reminded of it. :)

  2. Tiny DV8

    Cold Fusion, nuclear fusion, is all fine and dandy, but I think a simple idea of storing the energy would be almost equally usefull.

    The documentary was fantastic though, I really enjoyed it.

  3. Flak

    Yeah, I’d done some very light reading on tokamak programs like START/MAST and JET a few years back after reading about them in the papers when they were planning ITER, but yes the whole idea is very exciting. Plus the television program was cool, especially some of the visuals never mind the concepts. :) Developments like that and others such as room temperature superconductors could fundamentally change how the world operates.

  4. Tiny DV8

    It stimulates quite a lot of fantasies about how the world would look like in 200 years, thats for sure. But I won’t get really excited about it untill I know it works and is available for the masses. Nonetheless, I cannot wait. :D

  5. Flak

    Honestly I don’t think anyone can seriously make any kind of honest forecast of where we’ll be in 200 years, just look at where we were 200 years ago. But then we get into the debate of whether that rate of technological advancement is holding steady, is exponential and thus ever increasing or has started to slow down already and it’s way too early in the morning for that. :)

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