
I have opened a Twitter account, though not to actually update any of you with the banalities and trivial things of my every day existence — no, I have the Facebook status for that, which I just can’t get into either — but rather just to stay informed about the banalities of others. It seems like the more accessible the Internet becomes, the microscopic the level of detail we share becomes. From sharing research data in the eighties, we went to sharing and maintaining personal websites in the nineties. Now we’ve gone to sharing our day to day thoughts with the introduction of one of the most horrible, over-marketed, sloganised concepts ever attached to a good piece of scripting; Web 2.0. And new we are getting to a point where hour-to-hour (and with some obsessed individuals, even minute-to-minute) updates are in demand. “It’s like sending an SMS to the world,” someone told me. I think regular SMS is a pain in the arse, considering the device used will allow you to talk to the person instead of sending a 140 character message, which is clearly superior technology. So unless you can’t talk or hear, are indisposed, or in a loud place, it seems like talking is a clearer, and often faster way to convey your message. Anyway, side-rant over, back to Twitter. An SMS to the world just doesn’t seem at all appealing to me. To use Facebook status messages as an example, some people, like Moulsari, are intelligent and creative enough to turn those messages into a curiosity provoking blurbs, where she barely gives you any real info and still keeps you entertained. I am not gifted in that way, and neither are many others, so all of our messages just read like a list of trivialities.

Mark probably said it best yesterday, (on Twitter, ironically) when he said; “Realizing that I don’t feel self-important enough to keep telling people what I do every minute of the damn day. Twitter is idiotic.”

I swear, whoever came up with AJAX staat waarschijnlijk met het schaamrood op zijn kaken.

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