[sRx] sRx: Corrosion

As some of you might have heard, my brother and I are developing a browser game together, which is awesome since if you’ve been paying attention to this blog, you might have seen a post by my brother a few entries down and seen that he’s in a massive existentialist crisis. In short, this game is either going to suck, or it’s going to be absolutely brilliant, but there’s not going to be a shortage of excitement. :)

The game concept is definitely not new; a browser based game that’s mostly statistical in nature with heavy Roguelikeinfluences. (Anyone not familiar with that term and interested in games should really have a look at the Wiki page I linked.) There’s a ton of those games out there, a lot of them migrating to Facebook, something I’m not considering (unless there’s money to be made, then I’d be happy to jump on the bandwagon), like Mafia, BiteFight, The Dead Awaken, Starfleet, etc. and it’ll follow in a similar vein. Since I don’t particularly feel called upon to design an entire game system myself, I have decided to base the game on the world and rules of Shadowrun and try to stay as true to it as possible while still trying to shoe-horn it into a browser game.

The game is currently being developed under the working title SRx: Corrosion, is set in Seattle in a year that’s yet to be determined (2055-2060) and will feature metahumans, cyberware, magic, hacking and guns…lots of guns. There will be Fixers and Johnsons and Streetdoctors and many more. If you’re interested in being a play-tester you can send me or my brother an e-mail or put up a post here. We can always use fresh new ideas.

So far we’ve made quite a bit of progress about the shape we want the game to take, how to deal with some of the design decisions – like how to deal with ranged vs melee weapons – and we’ve got some idea about what we want everything to look like. I’ve also started doing some of the preliminary coding, created some of the database tables, set up parts of the frame work and started designing the character generation process. We should have something for the current play-testers to look at pretty soon.

Meanwhile, we’re still taking suggestions as to what the official name of the game is going to become, so let us know if you’ve got a good, catchy title!

I’m excited about this, I haven’t really had a good coding project to hobby at for a while. :)

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