Body Weight

Ever since I was diagnosed with a pulmonary embolism and was told I wasn’t allowed to continue training BJJ and MMA, I decided to watch my diet in terms of portions and monitor my weight. I have a tendency to balloon and I know how hard it is to work yourself back down to your original weight after a period of inactivity. I had already started halving my portions during lunch, but now I also decided to do it for evening meals, leaving my breakfast in tact. Actually, no, I decided to beef up my breakfast portions and eat a little more in the morning.

I don’t mind saying that a couple of weeks ago, I was ping ponging between 93 and 95 kilograms at wake up. The low end of that was the morning after one or two classes in the evening, and I think that generally was due to shedding a lot of water weight. Not the healthiest.

Since I started my new schedule of eating less, which was hard at first but became easier and easier as the days passed, I’ve dropped down to 90.4 kilograms this morning, which is the lightest I’ve been since before my mother got ill in 2007. I am curious to see if the half hour runs are going to affect my weight at all, and what’s going to happen once I go back to training in six months.

Until that time, I’ll be monitoring my weight closely, to make sure I don’t overdo things or don’t slack off too much. With a bit of luck I can structurally change a few things, keep eating more healthy foods and keep my fat percentage at a more healthy level.

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