David Bowie Passed Away

Two days ago David Bowie passed away after an 18 month battle against, which he, miraculously, managed to keep completely hidden from the public. He did this while simultaneously releasing two albums, the last of which was released two days before he passed away. The last album, which I haven’t attentively listened to yet, is supposedly full of clues about his illness and mortality.

As I’ve told many of you before, my mother was a big fan. My earliest memory is of my mother holding me in her arms while she danced through our living room while listening to songs off the Station to Station album.

Before my mother passed away, she chose a few songs to be played at her cremation. I’ve written about this before, and she chose two Bowie songs that have become incredibly important to me since.


My personal favourite is the Danny Lohner (a.k.a. Renholder) mix of Bring Me the Disco King, for reasons I can’t quite put into words.

Bowie has been part of my entire life and it’s fairly hard to imagine him no longer accompanying me. While you grow older, you don’t expect people — who have become like an aspects than a person — to grow older as well, and eventually pass away.

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