Author Archives: Dennis

The Ogre and the Bracelet

3rd day, 3rd ride, March, 1372 DR

I woke up to the smell of left-over rabbit stew. Nice. After cleaning up camp we headed east again. Around noon we found the rest of a small camp, having housed more than five men. Judging by the way the camp had been cleaned afterwards, these were probably some Orcs under Human leadership.

More cautiously than before we continued on, but didn’t find anything special or remarkable until, after two hours, we found a dead Ogre body, dressed in simple garbs, stabbed to death. From his simple, rope belt hung a dented helmet, the object whose glint initially caught my eye. Roland claims the helmet to be Elven made. Inside the helmet Roland found an intricate, gold bracelet, seeming to me to be quite expensive. The design was that of two entwined snakes.

Abel suggested we make an early fire, during the late sunlight hours, make food, then sleep without a firelight tonight, since we were getting very closeto the Flaming Tower.

I had third watch and the night went by without incident.

Roland’s Progress

2nd day, 3rd ride, March, 1372 DR

Beautiful weather; overcast, rainy, with a low rumble in the distance. We headed east after having travled mostly north since we left Daggerfalls. I was so curiously content while hiking that I failed to notice the worstening moods of my companions.

After having a thirty minute break to eat something and allow their weary bodies some respite, we continued on along the treacherously slick patch. Mud-covered rocks and moss-covered branches proved to be most upsetting. Roland seemed to take an active interest in the woodlands, mostly having to do with finding and collecting edible plants and herbs.

After about two hours we found a small cave set in the side of a small hill. Upon carefully inspecting the entrance to the cave I was completely surprised to see Roland sneak up, grab a pebbel, cast an enchantment of illumination on it before hurling the pebble inside with the greatest nonchalance!

The now illuminated cave showed a large sleeping bear. We decided to leave the cave and let sleeping bears lie. Later that afternoon we found a large, fallen tree, which proved to be sufficient shelter.

We started a fire and Abel provided Roland with enough rabbits to keep us fed until it was time for us to leave the next morning. The both of them are quickly adapting to outdoor life, which is a relief. They keep their clothes dry and their bellies full, which are steps one and two in the wilderness survival tradition.

Roland took first watch and when he takes first watch, or any watch for that matter, I normally get a little nervous, but since his performance has been alright lately, I have him the benefit of the doubt. Roughly half a day until dawn and he was supposed to take no more than three hours on his watch. After five hours, I woke up as he approached to wake Abel. I told him not to bother because Abel had been having a hard time, so I decided to take second watch, giving him some continuous sleep. I woke him about two hours before dawn.

The Tree-House

1st day, 3rd ride, March, 1372 DR

Next day we found the base of the dead Zhents, a wooden platform, built in a large tree – a landing platform, perhaps? – in which we found clothes, some tools, and some papers. The papers showed the schematic for the construction of the “tree-house” and a map of where in the Borderforest they were or would soon be constructed.

After a lengthy discussion about whether or not we should take our already very valuable information back to Daggerfalls, or if we should push forward to find out more about the troop strength at the Flaming Tower, we decided that Thorim would go back, since he would have the most chance of finding his way back unharmed by himself.

Saturday Night

I was really tired, but I went out with my brother, who came to visit me here in Amsterdam. We had burgers at the Marriot – I would’ve taken him to the Hard Rock Café, if only for the nachos they have there, but they had a 45 minute waiting list. Fuck that noise. – and afterwards we hung around the Leidseplein, checking out the street performers. Naked Trapese Guy was there, doing his trapese act in nothing more than a thong. My brother was equally impressed and disgusted. The guy really does some amazing things, too bad he’s really old, not very good looking and…naked!

We went to Boom Chicago’s new show “Bite the Bullet,” which showed some risqué improve jokes about the dangerous world we live in today. My favourite was the song the Intellectual was singing to the bickering Palestinian and Jew at the busstop, entitled “If You Believe in Jehova or Allah You’re a Fucking Retard.” Improv comedy relies a lot on audience participation…well, at least it does with them, and sadly the audience was a little shy (and the meek shall inherit the earth!), which was a shame.

Afterwards we marvelled at the art of Ball Guy, before walking home. There we watched Ocean’s Eleven. I was so damned tired when I finally crashed.

Car Keys

Two days before I was going to India I wanted to go to Kung Fu. I couldn’t find my car keys. I searched everywhere, since I knew I had used them on the Friday previous, also to go to Kung Fu. I looked everywhere. The last place I hadn’t looked was at work, though I was fairly certain I hadn’t taken them there. So today, I finally get a chance to search at work, and nothing. I’m going to have one more look around my apartment this weekend before asking the Honda dealer to come and pick up my car. You see, I have a spare key, just not the thinger I use for my car alarm, and without that the car won’t start. :(