I’m not going to lie, this gave me goose bumps. I didn’t bust my ass to save Malik only to have there be no confirmation of her fate in the next game! Love it.
Tag: Deus Ex
Deus Ex: Manking Divided E3 Trailer
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Trailer
Deus Ex: Human Revolution – Short Film
This is epic as fuck! I don’t like the casting for Adam Jensen, but Yelena Fedorova is very well-cast. I like how Jensen’s retractable swords are hardly ever visible except for in the slow-motion section. Perfect. There are so many little hidden gems in this. “Damnit, I’m seeing yellow again. No, I never asked for this.” Or that Jensen evolves in his unconscious state and shows signs of what I think is the writer’s interpretation of nano-technology, indicating that he’s the link to the Denton brothers. I think Megan Reed had the right face, but a far too pornographic body, so I’m divided on her casting. All in all, fucking amazing.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
I have said it before, and I’ll say it again; Deus Ex: Human Revolution looks absolutely fantastic and it may very well trump Deus Ex. The potential immersion is phenomenal and I really can’t wait to play it. I’ve been clinging to the Eidos twitter feed like a crack addict waiting for more footage and yesterday they released this. :)