Because I keep forgetting: As a general rule, set the time to 6:30 before changing the date.
Tag: Reminder
Reminder: Compliments
I like giving people compliments when I notice they make an effort at something. In the last week I gave out compliments a couple of times, and they were all so well received. Reminder to myself; keep letting people know when you appreciate their efforts.
Sneak Attack Reminder
Reminder: Disable ReSharper Renaming
- Visual Studio -> Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Keyboard: search for Refactor.Rename and set it to Ctrl+R, R (or Ctrl+R, Ctrl+R). And renaming will once again be done on this shortcut. But it will still use the ReSharper refactoring window.
- ReSharper.ReSharper_Rename: remove all entries.
- Visual Studio -> ReSharper -> Options -> Keyboards & Menus -> Uncheck ‘Override Visual Studio Refactorings’ -> Save.
You’re welcome, future Dennis.
Reminder: BJJ Training Intensity
Don’t train so hard you can’t train tomorrow.