Tag: Rookie

Rookie Mistake

Last night Lieke celebrated her birthday. Ivo was my date, we were one of the first at the party and one of the last ones to leave. It was fun. I shared a fairly well-laced pot chocolate truffle with someone and waited for it to hit. After half an hour of nothing, slightly disappointed, I made the rookie mistake of having another one. Once it finally started working, I stopped drinking and switched to water, because holy shit did it hit me like a truck. My brother called me at the tail end of his own evening out and joined me at the tail end of mine. I was very happy he did, because he took good care of me on the way back home. :)

Today I woke up feeling a little brak, as we say in Dutch. Not quite hung over, but not quite well, either. Par for the course, I hadn’t slept much. When I finally got around to taking a nap in the afternoon, I was dead tired and could barely keep my eyes open. After waking up from my nap, I laid around in bed for a while, got up, had some left over salad and felt good enough to go for a run. I didn’t set any records, but it was surprisingly easy. Feeling much better now, I think I’ll spend the rest of the evening relaxing a bit.