Falka’s treatise sets out almost all of what is described in the article on Lyrian history. A lot of it is based on religious myths that seem unlikely to have their basis in truth, which she admits, but they are myths that have become fundamental to our understanding of the Age of Fear. She does include a few bits of information that are not known outside of academics studying ancient history.
Saint Aureus the Golden One
A very strong contender for the role as the spiritual leader of the Senhadrim, Aureus is a saint in the church of Paladine and one of its most prominent historical figures. Legend has it that Aureus was the head of the church of Paladine in the time of Sir Marcus of Garamond and Dame Catherine of Dunagore and was responsible for the early organisation of the Senhadrim as a whole. He was also the one responsible for the canonisation of Dame Catherine of Dunagore after her death at the Battle for Blue Harbour.
One of the most persistent rumours is that Aureus the Golden One was not actually a human, but rather an ageless celestial creature sent by Paladine himself. A rumour made all the more entrenched when he disappeared near the end of the Age of Fear after having participated in the crusade for generations.
Lyrian Population
During the worst period of the Age of Fear, it was estimated that Lyrian population dwindled to less than a quarter of the original population. Most people lived in Westchester, Blue Harbour, Kingsport, Fulcaster and Dunagore, fortifying themselves in the ancient fortresses that dot the verdant kingdoms. The countryside was the demon’s domain, which has had two effects on the human condition;
Humans have come to feel that city’s and towns are the only way to be safe. It allowed people to cooperate in their defence. It allowed for an efficiency in the use of gathered resources. It allowed mothers to give birth within the safety of thick ramparts, which lead to a population boom. And it is this which has lead humanity to become dominant in the verdant kingdoms.
Rural populations tend to be more sensitive to the ebbs and flows of the tides of magic. This also means that they are less ignorant about the unnatural effects left behind by the last conjunction of planes. This was exacerbated by the systematic destruction of unnatural creatures and savage races by urban populations. This has lead urban Lyrians to underestimate the dangers lurking in the countryside.