In the north-eastern part of Sevenoaks is the home of the College of Bards, run by the legendary bard Le Papillon himself. Le Papillon, real name Adrien de Rouleau, is a Beauclairois musician, poet and playwright who impressed and moved Queen Isabella so deeply that he became the court minstrel for years, before opening up a school in Sevenoaks. The price of admission is steep, but the curriculum and the teachers are sanségal.
With Le Pappillon as headmaster at the college, it has become a destination for aspiring singers, poets, minstrels, playwrights and mummers of all backgrounds, walks of life and ethnicity. When city officials tried to prevent Càrcerians from taking up residence at the college dormitories, citing the rules that they could only be housed in La Costa Verde, Le Papillon took the matter up with Queen Isabella herself. He claimed that it would interfere too much with their education. They would waste valuable time walking to and from La Costa Verde, and what if inspiration struck them in the middle of the night!? Would they have to go out in the pitch dark to reach the college!? Outrageous!
An exception was made.
The college regularly has rehearsals at the stage set up in their courtyard which is open for all, where young, up and coming performance test their new material. Their quality is “unpredictable” so usually only a handful of people show up. Once per ride, however, a full performance is organised, which charges a five pennies entry fee for standing room, one silver stag for a seat and five silver stags for the balcony, and a gold crown for the center balcony. For two platinum dragons the entire théâtre can be reserved for a private viewing.
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