Circle of Mages, College, Ravensbourne, Kingsport


One of the few estates in Ravensbourne belongs to the prestigious Circle of Mages. Dedicated to raising the next generation of arcanists and trying to hold onto as much of the waning understanding of magic, and nurturing those with the talents to reclaim some of Mystra’s lost knowledge.

While they do provide programs for sorcerers and warlocks, their primary interest is in creating wizards through fastidious, rigorous study and have found themselves ill equipped to facilitate the development of sorcerers and warlocks. They have even tried developing mystics, witches and other such “blunt instruments”, but with little success.

The leadership of the Circle consists of the highest ranking members of each specialisation (Abjuration, Conjuration, Evocation, etc.). They are referred to as the Archmages of the Circle, they represent their school of magic and are the very pinnacle of the understanding of that school’s magic. The head of the circle is the ninth and last member, who represents the overall arcane discipline and is referred to as the Grand Archmage of the Circle. The long time Grand Archmage is Réonan.

Grand Archmage Réonan

Réonan has been at the Circle for so long that nobody quite remembers when they arrived. I say they, because it’s currently unclear whether Réonan is male or female. Some say they’re neither. Some also claim that Réonan is not human. They hardly make public appearances, preferring to work through assistants and apprentices, but managing to keep tight control over the school nonetheless.

Olafur the Quartermaster

Another important figure at the Circle is a mage by the name of Olafur, who hails from the far of kingdom of Miðgarður. He functions as the quartermaster, and as a result is always interested in buying rare herbs and strange substances like teeth, scales, eyes and other parts of rare animals.

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