My dear son,
The road to Kingsport has been long and I am weary of travelling. With the snow upon us the pace has significantly slowed. A few days ago we were set upon by bandits in the night. They made off with some of our provisions and injured some of the guards. The next day we were joined by a retinue of knights of the Order of the Lance who accompanied us to Blue Harbour, from where I’m writing you now.
Highlord Gaulthier has shared some more of his plans with me; he intends to seek permission from the Lyrian court to establish an embassy in Kingsport. He believes that if the Age of Peace is over, it would be wise to have strong allies. We might require your aid should the queen need convincing; if the knights that accompanied us are to be believed, you have aided her before, and might trust you to council her in this matter.
By the swan.
Lord Dorian of House Morvrayne