4th day, 3rd ride, March, 1372 DR
Took a cold bath in the stream nearby our camp before moving out. On the road we found tracks of a few riders, coming from the east, presumably the Flaming Tower. On that trail, which even I could follow, we found a dead satyr, or so Roland calls it, but I wouldn’t put it past him to make that stuff up. It looked to me like a small hairy demon, with cloven hooves and horns. Later we found two dead pixies, again named by Roland. I have no idea how to describe them. They were like Gnomes, only smaller, more frail, like butterflies.
At a certain point a large bird, as large as a horse, flew over head, most likely the mounts of the flying wizards of the Flaming Tower that we heard mention of. I’m beginning to think that the attack on Eagle’s Eerie was simply one of these wizards, who summoned the animals of the woods to his call with his nefarious magical powers.
Another hour later we stumbled upon an abandonned, yet semi-permanent campsite.
A few hours after that we moved about a hundred yards from the trail to make camp. No fire after dark. Two-man guard shifts. During the first shift, while Abel slept, we could see a soft yellow glow shine upon the clouds from a few kilometers to the east.