Previously, the heroes followed their new friend Neamhan to the Cathedral of the Platinum father where she attempted to understand the nature of her own magic. Quentin received a letter from his lord father explaining more about the Highlord Gaulthier’s intent for his visit to Kingsport. The heroes visited Miranda Ravensbourne at the crownsguard garrison to deliver the bad news of her brother’s death. Neamhan, while using her magic to commune with Kingsport and its environs, made a shocking discovery that Kingsport was under the influence of a great evil, prompting lady Miranda to fly for the palace on the back of her griffon so that she may protect the queen.
Eighth Day, First Ride, Autumn Twilight, 1262
(Silvermoon is in high sanction, Bloodmoon is waning, Darkmoon is waxing)
The heroes were quickly ushered from the crownsguard garrison after the lady commander had taken off for the palace. They noticed that the weather had turned a bit milder and that some of the snow which had blanketed Steward Square was slowly melting. Luca suggested finding James so that they may retrieve Hamish and the night master so their bodies can both be handed over to the Silent Sisters of the Church of the Raven Queen.
A little frustrated, Neamhan asked whether the heroes were just going to ignore the undead and continue their errands. The heroes, in turn, explained that they thought they knew the identity of the undead threat. Neamhan correctly guesses that the undead presence was that of the queen and asks the others what will happen to lady Miranda. According to them, lady Miranda will likely investigate and not find any threat to the queen, which means that Neamhan might take a reputational hit. She finds it very unfair, but realises that she does not have a lot of options but to accept the situation.
The crownsguard and custodians on the square were eyeing the heroes with growing suspicion, so the remainder of the conversation took place on the way to find Goodman, the town crier. In order to get in touch with James, it was decided to go through Goodman, or perhaps get close enough to James to use Lauriel’s Earrings of Whispers from the butcher shop on Fleet Street.
Emrys thought it a good idea to find out more about Epidemius and Luca thought that this task could be deferred to Falka, who had previously offered her assistance. Emrys thought it a good idea to talk to lady Annabella and explained to Neamhan that she was a dear friend who happened to be the handmaid to the queen.
The heroes found Goodman standing on Queensbridge, warming his hands on one of the many cast iron braziers that the crownsguard placed around prominent parts of the city. Relying on his preternatural ability to remain informed, he gave his condolences to Luca for the loss of his friend Hamish. Luca told him that he wanted to get a message to James about the funeral and wondered whether Goodman could reach him. He was willing to convey a message to James, but not without payment. He drove a hard bargain, which rubbed Neamhan the wrong way, but eventually agreed on a price of eight gold crowns.
At that point, the group went into different directions. Emrys decided to climb Garamond hill along Palace Road to see if he could get an audience with lady Annabella. Luca decided to climb the hill on the other side the river, Quayhill, and send a letter from Faster Feather Rookery. In the meantime, Quentin and Neamhan decided to return to the Careless Wanderer to discuss the sword Róisín.
Upon arrival at the top of Garamond hill, Emrys found that the palace had been placed in a lockdown; the gates were barred, and the guards at the top told him to turn back. Pleas for an audience with lieutenant William, the charismatic captain of the palace guard, were denied. When Emrys turned back, one of the guards recognised him and offered to relay a message, out of respect for Emrys’ service to the crown. Emrys asked whether the lieutenant could come and find him at the Careless Wanderer at his earliest convenience. The sorcerer then walked back to the inn.
After an arduous climb of Quayhill, Luca found himself in the courtyard of the modest manse of Fast Feathers Rookery. The tower from which the ravens were sent all over the kingdom (and sometimes beyond) were manned by raven keepers and rookery masters, whistling and clapping at the birds to direct them to come in. Ravens were flying to and from the tower, and were seated around the courtyard freely.
A scribe with hands in ink came to talk to Luca when he entered the building attached to the tower and confirmed that they had plenty of birds that could fly to Bournemouth. It would cost five silver stags, and Luca insisted on writing the letter himself. He wrote it in the abyssal language of demons, trusting Falka to be able to decipher, and in it he asked her to find out what she could about Epidemius and the Liber Bubonicus, the Book of Woe.
Quentin and Neamhan spoke about Róisín when they were in the Careless Wanderer. Quentin explained the nature of the blade, and was hoping that Neamhan, considering her rare gift, would be able to commune with Róisín to find out what her wishes were regarding being returned to House Lys. Neamhan was excited to try, but would need to take some time to prepare a ritual like that. The two agreed that Neamhan would prepare when she could, and make an attempt to commune the following day.
Soon after, all had gathered back at the Careless Wanderer and it was decided to go and visit Dr. Arkenward to see how he was recovering, to check how Vydia was doing and whether she was adversely affected by Xarrombus’ death, and to see whether Arkenward knew anything about Epidemius. And so, the heroes went back out into the cold again.
When the arrived at Arkenward’s manse, they knocked on the side door. Vydia’s friendly halfling servant opened the door and lead them into the scullery where they could take off their cloaks and kick off any snow from their shoes. Vydia came to greet them and invited them into the kitchen. She was a short and slim elf, wearing Lyrian-style clothing, with flowing blonde hair and a sun-touched face. She had a rather prominent black and blood-shot eye with swelling all around. The mark looked like it was older and had been healing for a while.
Luca dispensed with any pleasantries and immediately asked to see Vydia’s husband. Vydia would not let Luca’s brusqueness move her, but only a few soothing words from Quentin and Emrys helped convince Vydia.
Dr. Arkenward was looking a lot better than he did the last time the heroes saw him, but certainly had a long way to go to return to the man the heroes had met in the royal watergardens in the summer. He was able to sit up in a bed a bit, have a conversation, and answer some questions. After the heroes informed Arkenward of the situation in the city and the threat from Epidemius, he said that they would be best served to find out more about the fiend. He found it likely that the fiend was infernal rather than abyssal, something which the title Epidemius carried in the message that Luca had recovered from one of the skaven in the ancient waterways confirmed.
The heroes contemplated confronted Epidemius, and Arkenward claimed that it would simply send Epidemius back to the Ba’ator. Only defeating the devil on its own plane would kill it permanently. Neamhan asked what would happen if the heroes managed to defeat Epidemius while it was bound to this plane, and Arkenward was confident it would still return to Ba’ator.
Luca thought it would be good idea to ward Steward Square at the time of Epidemius’ return, and Arkenward slyly suggested “If only had a disruptor that could collapse a portal.” That drew a sharp look from Vydia.
It was time for the heroes to depart and allow Arkenward the rest he needed. Before leaving, Luca asked whether the heroes could gain access to Arkenward’s laboratory, why he denied; they were, however, welcome to use the library in his study. Also, Emrys said that he would return to speak with Vydia on a private matter, the details of which she seemed to understand.
The next destination was the Temple of Light, which was both a place of worship to Pholtus, as well as a clinic where people could get medical treatment. They were looking for father Devon with the hope of being able to speak to the girl that had witnessed the attack on Steward Square by Epidemius.
Inside the clinic it seemed as busy as it had been during the queen’s illness. They approached a nun who was tending to the patients and she brought them deeper into the hospital, past many beds and patients, until they were asked to wait in a room with benches with even more patients. Behind several doors monks and nuns were tending to patients in peace and privacy.
After several minutes father Devon appeared from behind a door and he said goodbye to his patient. Father Devon lead them into his chamber and the heroes asked after the girl. Father Devon explained that Kasia was a young, Silesian girl who had recently arrived in Lyria as a refugee together with her father who went to work for House Brightmantle as a cattle driver. The clergy at the Temple of Light were establishing contact with the noble house, which had been difficult since the head of the house, lord Jerod Brightmantle, had been killed in the attack.
The attack she lived through, coupled with what must have been a difficult time fleeing her homeland, had left her in a fragile state and the father feared that she would not be able to live through much more. To the father it was too dangerous to question her about Epidemius, unless the heroes were able to guarantee her safety. The heroes had some ideas and said they would return at a later time and bid the father goodbye.
Finally, the heroes wanted to visit the Circle of Magi in order to talk to grand archmage Réonan. Quentin had no interest in talking to Réonan and decided to return to the Careless Wanderer to spend some time with Astrid. The light of the day was fading, and curfew was upon the heroes when they arrived in front of the beautiful herb garden out in front of the main entrance to the Circle of Mages. When they knocked on the door, Olafur the Miðgarðurian quartermaster of the Circle opened up and invited them inside.
The lobby of the Circle, with its polished wooden panelling on the wall and rich, plush carpets on the floor, was warm and pleasant. Olafur mentioned to Emrys that he had recently come across a new batch of obsidian and that he had a few he could sell before the heroes left. When the heroes said they were hoping for an audience with Réonan his face turned grave and he invited them to come into his private chambers to wait. Once the heroes were seated in the small chamber, the bearded man reluctantly stalked off to find the grand archmage.