Today I woke up and my ankle was still sore. I know I slept poorly because of it. My neck is sore and I’m still rather tired. I will strive to sit properly today, since that was most likely the reason why my ankle started acting up again yesterday. And it had been healing really well, too. I was going back to Kung Fu and getting a good excercise. Now it’s swollen again, though no purple bruises this time.

I will have to find some time to migrate my website, but I can’t say that I’m looking forward to it. I guess I should start with the database, seeing if I can recreate that on the new server. Perhaps run a few PHP/Mysql tests. New version of PHP, new version of Mysql, it might be interesting. The sad thing is, I can’t continue development of my new Shadowrun design until I migrate, even though I really want to. I don’t want to build an entire database only to find out things were radically different in the new version of my back-end. I’m going to have to be patient.

This World is Doomed

Someone to Watch Over Me (on a Google Map)

About four or five years ago, I was well-underway to become a person that closely resembles the author of the article. I had ICQ, MSN, AIM, YIM, IRC, you name it. At a certain point my life got to be way too hectic because of all of that. From the moment I got home from work I was assaulted with messages from various people, and I sometimes literally didn’t have time to cook myself some dinner. I decided, even though I had started using Trillian, which allows you to encorporate a lot of these Instant Messenger services, to deinstall each and every one of them, with the notable exception of IRC. Everyone had my e-mail address, if they wanted something, they could e-mail me, and I would respond…at my leisure. I refuse to have someone else determine my schedule.

The depersonalisation that occurs while talking online – the anonymous intimacy that the author refers to – creates some really fucked up and unhealthy relationships. There’s a large group of people out there that, literally, shuns human interaction in favour of a few words on a screen. Their social inaptitude is made worse through the Internet, because they never have to practice the skill of human interaction without the intervention of something as cold and impersonal as a keyboard and monitor. There’s a large group out there that is simply losing touch with their humanity because they no longer train themselves to recognise it in others.


I managed to wickedly destroy my ankle again some time ago. It was all purple with bruising for about a week, and it’s still rather sore, but I’m impressed at how fast it healed. I can walk normally, ascend a flight of steps and even run for the tram. Sadly, my ankle doesn’t last long. After about ten minutes of walking it’s painful and needs rest.

I can’t really excercise, and as a result I’m getting noticably heavier again. It’s interesting how fast my body-weight shifts depending on how active I am. I am not entirely sure the rapid changes are particularly healthy. My task now is to watch my intake, while I take another week or two before I go back to training. I gained about 10-15kg the last time I screwed up my ankle, and I managed to lose all but those last 5kg after I resumed training. All because I didn’t watch my diet as I had to take several months off from trianing. I am not planning to have that happen again.