Lyria – Kingsport – Points of Interest Dennis August 8, 2018 July 15, 2020 1 Comment on Lyria – Kingsport – Points of Interest Here are several points of interests in Kingsport. Places of worship, shops, crafters, taverns, etc. They are arranged in no particular order. Sacred Baths of Sedna Fast Feathers Rookery The Silver Cross The Hoxton House of the Raven Queen Cathedral of the Platinum Father Temple of Light Temple of the Mother Creatrix Tomb of Saint Catherine of Dunagore Shrine to Lady Luck Church of Deus Daerlan Embassy Library of Ioun Circle of Mages College of Bards Forgewright Arms Lyandra’s Leatherworks Kingsport Carceratum L’eau Célestes Adria’s Novel Idea Herbs, Salves and Ointments Heartseeker’s Strings and Fletchings Kingsport Manège
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