Tag: Conjunction of Planes

The Heroes of the White Eye: A Character Study


The Heroes of the White Eye is a remarkable group of individuals, brought together by fate, who have overcome incredible challenges together against all odds. Initially the disparate individuals were thrown together to resolve a simple matter of a disrupted water supply on the estate of an enigmatic noble family, they went on to discover signs and portents of a new time of high magic, and with it a new start of a Conjunction of Planes.

The last conjunction was so long ago that only the very oldest surviving members of the longest living races could recall it. It was a time in which the fabric between realms became thin and demonic creatures spilled over to wreak havoc on the lands of men, elves and dwarves. It was called the Age of Fear, and it brought humanity on the brink of extinction before they harnessed the power of magic, allowing them to mount a defence against the hordes of demons. The Silver Crusade, a collaboration of the knightly orders of the Lance, Shield and Gryphon, counselled by the mysterious Senhadrim, a loose knit group of wizards and priests, defended humanity long enough for the conjunction come to an end and the last of the demons be defeated.

The heroes discovered powerful, ancient artifacts from the Age of Fear, each of which contained the long dormant spirit of one of the Senhadrim. They encountered strange servitor creatures called the skaven, a fierce, rat-like people whose purpose was to find these artifacts and bring them to their as of yet unknown masters.

The heroes travelled the kingdom of Lyria, finding clues about the conjunction, the crusade and the Senhadrim. They met interesting people and dangerous adversaries; Vadoma, the treacherous gypsy, Falka, the helpful scholar, Ulrikke, the Daerlan noble, Ridley, the endearing deckswab, Syldarael, the tolerant healer, Martha, the jealous bigot, Strickland, the love-struck Magister, Cendelius, the vengeful terrorist, Liliana, the seductive instigator, and many, many more.

They travelled to a different realm and found a small army of crusaders, betrayed by a Senhadrim mage named Atilesceon, who had been corrupted by evil. Atilesceon’s cruelty lead him to curse the crusaders to replay a doomed battle scenario against a horde of demons over and over, leading to their eternal suffering. When the heroes found a way to break the curse, they ended up confronting and defeating Atilesceon and bringing the crusaders back from that realm, instantly gaining them the status of heroes.

In liberating these ancient crusaders and bringing them to the modern time, they managed to gain an understanding of the Age of Fear and learned that the conjunction occurred due to the waxing and waning of magic, which influenced the Seal of Divine Animus, which protected the realms of the ethereal mist from the realms of the elemental chaos and the astral sea. The seal was placed there by Tharizdun, a long lost god with a complicated mythology.

Throughout all of this, the heroes have remained unlikely companions. As they’ve learned more about what’s at stake, uncovering the legends, and separating fact from fiction, they’ve tried to discover possible ways of preventing another Age of Fear, or at least mobilising a defence against the coming conjunction before it is too late. Each has their own reasons for dedicating themselves, and their methods, motivations and styles differ wildly, but for now they continue to be bound to one another.


It’s not easy to come to a clear understanding of Astrid’s personality, goals and motives. At the best of times she comes across as aloof or frivolous as her pendulum swings from long periods of silence, having few outspoken opinions or strong desires, and moments of extreme exuberance, often fuelled by alcohol. In the quiet moments she is as calm, quiet and reserved as she is loud, boisterous and borderline obnoxious in the moments where she’s not.

The two extremes of her mood seems to serve one thing particularly well; she is never requested or expected to talk about herself. As a result, it’s not clear why Astrid is in Lyria, why she has chosen to attach herself to the other heroes or why she eagerly sacrifices her own safety in order to step between the group and the danger which is heading their direction.

Even when she woke up one day to find that her eyes had turned bright golden, she never seemed to invite the other heroes to dare question or comment on that physical transformation; her aloof response making it seemingly difficult to bring up the subject. She is well-respected for her physical abilities, but is rarely asked for her opinion, which may reinforce a pre-existing notion she may have held that she would never be valued for her ideas, should she have any.

Her goals seem simple; she wants to be able to purchase a ship of her own. What she wants to do with that ship, or why she wants a ship, is not something her companions have ever asked her. She seems happy enough hiding behind the tired stereotype of a reaving Hellmarker in an attempt to convince any of her companions that there’s nothing more to her goals than that.


The priestess has defied expectations since she was a young girl and continued that tradition from the moment she went into the service of Lord Marcus together with the rest of the heroes. She chose a more thoughtful, less action-prone approach to problem solving which often clashed with others, especially James. That was not to say that she could not be forced into action, however, as she was quick to display against the Procyon when Cendelius lead them in his attack on the village of Allenham. She showed that she would not shy away from violence in order to stand up for what she believed in.

Thoughtful and observant, she was often very capable of quickly getting to the core of a person; sometimes so fast that the person under scrutiny had a hard time catching up, or even realise their façade had been breached. I believe that this lead to the frequent conflicts Emma had with James, who tried very hard to reinforce the cool exterior he had developed growing up on the Kingsport streets. Emma seemed frustrated and genuinely perplexed each time she was confronted with social subterfuge or obfuscation. It seemed to run counter to the truth she wanted to live by. Either that, or despite her keen insight into the people around her, she never truly understood people and found their idiosyncrasies foreign and alien.

She found comfort in the variety of ways in which Sedna touched life around her. The hopeful rebirth of spring, the growth it provided in summer, the way autumn brought the cycle to a close with a great cleansing and the way in which winter became harsh, cold and unforgiving. And it was this variability in the Goddess which made her naturally distrustful of Muirgheal when she started to explore her connection to the trident; it was extreme, unyielding and dogmatic and it ran completely counter to Emma’s own personality and who she understood Sedna to be.

There were other forces surrounding the trident which she found invasive and had difficulty understanding, again frustrating her ability to quickly get to the heart of a person or situation that she was so accustomed to. While evocative, the trident came with too many strings attached and she soon decided to disinvest her from the weapon and the spirit within.

As she divorced herself from the trident she also found that she struggled with many of the things that she and the other Heroes of the White Eye uncovered; about the nature of the world, the coming Age of Fear and her position therein. She decided to divorce herself from the group, focus herself on her faith and evaluate what her position within the grand order of things was going to be moving forward.


Either Emrys is the most complex character in our group of heroes, or he is the simplest. At the risk of overthinking things, I will assume the former, rather than the latter. It is going to be difficult to start the analysis, either way.

Born into a tribe of aen adhar, or People of the Moon, who are notoriously religious, both his father, Fingir, an aen adhar, as well as his mother, Catriona, a human who had estranged from her family, had fallen in with a type of religious zealotry that could consume a person. They followed the teachings of Mohiam, a Sehanine Moonbow prophet and believed that their tribe had an important role to play in the future of the Verdant Kingdoms.

In fact, both parents believed that Emrys was to be a child of prophecy, which would explain his name. In the elder speech, Emrys means “immortal one”; a name not given frivolously, I imagine. When Catriona died right after giving birth, against all expectation, Fingir was struck with enormous grief leading him to defer the rearing of Emrys to the rest of the tribe.

Subjected to the tribe’s zealotry, Emrys proved to be a less than ideal student. He was subjected to hours of training which he described as arduous. The spiritual leader of the tribe, an elf named Voriel, disappeared without a trace during a training session and the tribe was thrown in disarray. It wasn’t the first time that strange things happened around Emrys and he was quickly asked to leave as the tribe had given up believing that he was going to be the promised child that they were awaiting.

I tell you that in order to conclude the following; considering Emrys’ background and upbringing, which I think was likely to be considerably harder than he has ever shared with anyone, it is surprising that he has maintained such a happy-go-lucky, laissez-faire attitude to most things. He has either leveraged what must undoubtedly have been a very traumatic upbringing into an amazing psychological bedrock, or he is possibly the most ruthless case of psychopathy that I’ve ever witnessed.

He has womanised his way through most of the Riverlands and has been keen to continue that habit while in Kingsport. He has developed a penchant for the young daughters of nobility and has left quite a bit of carnage in his wake. One wonders whether he doesn’t find some perverse pleasure in using the station of these women for his own ends only to compromise them to the point of reputational ruin. His involvement with these women has assured that they will never ascend to the position that was expected of them at birth.

Does that sound familiar?

He has now been able to infect the heart and mind of one of the most influential young noble women in the kingdom. Gods give her the strength to withstand him.

When confronted with some of the origins of his tribe by meeting Lauriel Skycaller, the Senhadrim priestess, Mohiam cultist and self-confessed mother of the zealotry that has ruled his tribe for millennia, he seemed detached and distant from her. Even as he inhabited the body of her lover and soon-to-be husband, Benedict McAllister, he did not hesitate to send Lauriel into the woods to slow down the onslaught of demons portalling onto the battlefield and ultimately sending her to her death.

Of course, I might be completely misreading him. One thing that suggests that I might be wrong is the relationship he has built up with Toruviel, the Senhadrim who is inhabiting the moonblade he carries. Legends say that moonblades only graces the hands of those who stand for noble elven virtues; love, life, creation and the arts. Perhaps he has been able to fool Toruviel as he has fooled lady Annabella, who knows?


To most people looking in from the outside it would seem that James wears his membership to one of the Heroes of the White Eye with the least amount of pride. I find myself wondering whether that’s because he thinks that what he did isn’t worthy of hero worship, or whether he is uncomfortable with the idea that he’s becoming one of them.

To most people looking in from the outside it would seem like James had a pretty tough childhood growing up on the streets of Kingsport. The frail, half-elf bastard to an immigrant who sold her body for silver stags, raised among whores and ruffians. But once you get to know him you’ll realise that despite his environment, his upbringing in no way held him back from having a happy childhood. He cares deeply for a mother who probably hasn’t always had the time to properly care for him; he’s developed relationships with several men in his life that could be described as father/son or teacher/student relationships; and despite his slight stature and elven heritage, he’s managed to carve out a place among his community.

And yet, he seems to be having trouble accepting the relationships that he’s forged with the rest of the heroes. I’d wager he thinks Luca is deranged, Quentin is misguided and Emrys is unfocused. Astrid seems to be the only one he genuinely cares for, but mostly as a drinking buddy who doesn’t ask too many questions. He purposefully keeps himself from investing in his relationships with the others, either because he doesn’t think they’re worth it, or he thinks they won’t last.

The proposition of him not thinking the relationships with the others aren’t worth it seems flawed considering all that they’ve accomplished together. It is clear that his continued involvement with the rest of the Heroes of the White Eye is benefiting him and that they have a lot to offer him. So it must be that he feels that the relationships won’t last. He’s unwilling to commit because he knows that all of them are regularly engaging in very dangerous work which will likely get one or all of them killed. Does he want to keep his relationships “professional” so that he won’t have to deal with the likelihood of losing them?

It would explain James’ caution at accepting the Arms of the Senhadrim. He has seen that the weapons have subtly changed their wielders and he doesn’t like the idea of giving up control, even if the potential power gain is significant. This, in turn, would explain his disdain for Emma and her dedication to a higher power; arbitrary rules of a divine kind which promise an undisclosed reward after death just mean you’re a pawn in a celestial army, controlled by a deity that sets the rules. Equally, Quentin is hostage to the trappings and expectations of nobility and chivalry, which might even be worse. And Luca is the pawn of… who knows what, but practically no different than Emma and her goddess, though likely much less benevolent.

James values his freedom. The Steady Hand gave him that freedom at the cost of the kickbacks he was paying to the day master. When his mother became an unwilling pawn of the Cult of the Dark Queen and was manipulated to turn against the Steady Hand, he found himself at odds with the guild. Despite finding a way out of the situation and saving his mother’s life in the process, he found that the Steady Hand was never again going to be the home for him it had been in years past. He also found that his mother required care, which had never happened before. She became a burden and perhaps even a liability, which eroded the freedom he valued so much. He quickly found another place that would take her off his hands, leaving him once again unburdened.

Perhaps that’s why he like Astrid as much as he does; there’s no burden there.

At the moment I think James is probably feeling a little unmoored. He has no clear goal, no clear direction. He can’t go back to burglary; he’s come too far and seen too much for that. But he also doesn’t necessarily want to make a habit out of going on quests and gathering more titles like the Hero of the White Eye. He’s stuck between longing for a simpler existence and a duty to act on those things that’s he’s learned.


Luca considers himself to be many things that he probably is not.

He grew up the son of pig farmers who was gifted with a great intellect, a strong personality but without the strength of willpower to persevere. I suspect he became profoundly lonely in the Elder Foothills, unable to connect to his family or his community and started admiring the scholars that would come through from civilised places, on their way to study the ancient ruins in the region. He probably had a conversation with one of them as an expedition passed through and realised he could connect with them on an intellectual level.

And so he started reading more books. He got obsessed with them. He started considering himself a scholar, and he could have become one if he had applied himself well, but he never did. As he read more he also became more frustrated with his modest origin. He changed the way he dressed, changed the way he spoke, changed the way he acted, all to be more in line with who he wanted to be.

Supposedly in order to get access to more books he was convinced to consume mushrooms which he claims to have given him visions. Those visions showed him a dreadful glimpse of the future, one that he could prevent from occurring. It lead him to the discovery of a book which taught him how to use magic. The circumstances are all a little vague, but afterwards he was no longer a scholar, instead he was a mage.

He finally worked up the nerve to leave the Elder Foothills and I think that cutting ties with that environment which reminded him of who he was allowed him the freedom to tell anyone that he was who he wanted to be. He has also started gathering and gaining more magical power, still maintaining this fantasy that he’s a studious mage. All the while, he’s been taking shortcuts and compromising himself (and possibly others) to gather that power, as is the tendency of those weak of will.

He’s been lying to others, but more importantly he’s been lying to himself; he’s convinced that he’s the only one who realises what is coming and the only one who can stop it. Another lie that he’s told himself is that the ends justify the means, and as such he has made some dangerous and questionable decisions lately. All for the greater good.

I’ve been surprised at the way that the rest of Luca’s companions have been willing to overlook the obvious problems and delusions he’s dealing with. Perhaps they realise but find that the power he wields useful, however ill-gained it may be, and are willing to put up with him.

Eventually, Luca will have to pay the price for what the choices he’s made, the things he’s done and the power he’s gained.


The most junior member of the Heroes of the White Eye, the easiest observation to make about Quentin is that his noble birth has afforded him a life of relative luxury and privilege. It makes him a bit out of touch with the rest of the heroes at times, but it also allows him a different perspective and avenue that the others may have missed.

Hailing from a small noble family without much political or financial influence, it seems the precarious position that House Morvrayne finds itself in has placed an extraordinary burden on the shoulders of its heir. Initially setting out to find a legendary sword of incalculable historical and cultural value which would earn him the right to marry the daughter of an influential noble and positioning his house in a much better spot in the Beauclair peerage.

When, against all odds, that seemingly impossible quest turned out favourably and he didn’t just retrieve the legendary sword, but also became one of the Heroes of the White Eye, gaining popularity and renown in Lyria, the young knight seemed eager to leverage that success into something more. He is keen on following in the footsteps of the legendary knights and cavaliers who joined the crusade to protect humanity during the Age of Fear.

Whether Quentin’s new goal of restarting a new crusade is born from opportunism or idealism are unclear to me at the moment. But for now it seems he has thrown his lot in with the rest of the companions.

He respects James, though is having a hard time relating to him due to the wildly different environs they grew up in. He has big plans that James doesn’t recognise his roll in, and probably wouldn’t approve of that roll even if he did. James disapproves of much of what Quentin does and thinks, and I suspect it won’t be long before Quentin falls prey to the same exhaustion that overwhelmed Emma.

Up until the moment that Emrys introduced Quentin to Andrew Selkirk, the troubadour who came to investigate the rumours of Fleur’s resurfacing, I don’t think Quentin had any strong opinions of Emrys, positive or negative. The two have never held a conversation that wasn’t about pleasantries or frivolities. Quentin has confessed his ambition of a new crusade to Emrys, and found that Emrys was keen on being there to support him. This will likely remain the basis for their friendship; whether Emrys is able and willing to further Quentin’s goals.

As for Luca; it won’t be long before Quentin will come to understand the full weight of Luca’s choices and the possible price that will need to be paid for them. It will be at that point where we’ll see whether Quentin’s opportunism will win out over his idealism; he will have to make a choice about what kind of man he is, and whether he’s made of ruthless ambition, or romantic ideals of chivalry and nobility.

I wonder whether Quentin will ever seek out the crusaders he helped to rescue and have a true, honest and open discussion about what the crusade meant, and what it cost the crusaders and the people they protected. Was the crusade a benevolent organisation who protected the weak from the wickedness of the demonic hordes, or was the crusade enforced on those they protected, whether they asked for protection or not? What was the price the crusaders and those they protected had to pay in order to keep humanity safe, and will Quentin be willing to pay that price? Will he be able to make the hard choices which will pit his ambitions against his ideals? Is he simply the entitled noble who is playing hero until such a time that the hero’s role becomes too difficult a burden to shoulder?

Feedback on Leading Our Game

For the past two years I’ve been leading a game of D&D. I had been toying around with returning to D&D for a while and had been low-key thinking about a campaign premise for years. When Edwin wanted to do a D&D campaign and took over from me running Shadowrun, a game that I had fallen out of love with and whose campaign just wasn’t panning out the way I had wanted to, Edwin’s campaign came as a breath of fresh air. I had missed D&D and Edwin had put a great campaign together. He had raised the bar in all the ways that appealed to me.

For about six months I worked on the campaign premise, the theme, the continent that the campaign would take place in; kingdoms, cities, cultures, organisations, people. I got really into the world building aspect of the preparations. I may have taken it a bit too far, but I was enjoying it so much that I couldn’t stop. Didn’t want to stop.

Six months of that lead to us starting the campaign and it started off relatively well. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves and it seemed like the world I’d created and the things I was exposing to the players was really well received. I got some great engagement and feedback.

Two years down the line, we’re still playing, I moved countries, pandemic happened, lost a player, picked up a player, and all the while I’ve been working away at the story, the campaign as well as the world it’s set in. I must have spent five hundred hours into it altogether. I have so much material prepared on all kinds of places, people and things that the players are unlikely to ever engage with. (Or maybe they will. Who knows!)

But I started to notice that the momentum was being lost a bit, especially around the times where decisions needed to be made.

There was a bit of analysis paralysis happening. The players were sometimes hesitant to make mistakes because they felt like a bad outcome would have detrimental consequences. This is likely due to some events during sessions in the past where they were punished for making mistakes, perhaps their best laid plans weren’t honoured with enough return on investment, or something else that lead to this dysfunction. I assured the players that they wouldn’t have to worry too much and that they could trust me not to fuck them over, and if they were to fail, they would always be presented with a narrative parachute. They understood, and it got a little better, but there was something more.

Recently, I sent all of them an e-mail and straight up asked them for feedback and criticism. It was surprising how unified the answers were. All of them loved the setting, the campaign and which direction it was headed in. But the one thing they would want to see changed was the amount of choice they were offered. They liked to have a clear goal and clear initial steps to work towards that goal. While they appreciated all the different side quests that they could do, and that there were several options in larger quests that would move the main story forward, they’d rather have a bit less choice and a bit more direction.

I did not see that coming.

One of the things which I have been asking for when running a game — and this is was something I wanted even before this D&D campaign — is that people’s characters wanted something; were inherently self-motivated by something. Not by something simple and banal as “treasure” or “adventure”, but that they had an internal motivation to find something, to answer a question or achieve an ambition. If during a session I were to say; “So, after a good night’s rest, after having returned the royal sceptre of dominion, you find that the day is yours. What would you like to do?” that they could be guided by ambitions beyond the just finished story arc and decide where to go next and what to do.

Side quests that would raise their standing within a particular organisation. Investigation into the lost library of a dead wizard I once mentioned. Researching the ancient catacombs that they rescued an injured ranger from to find out who built them. Finding out the identity of a mysterious benefactor. Shit like that.

It would then give me a way to seamlessly weave from one story into the next and start the next session presenting them with the next story, driven from an external source. It would also allow me to tie the story into the player character’s interests and motivations and make it all a little more appealing.

What I realise is that my mistake has been to assume that the players spend as much time thinking about and preparing the game as I am. I have created so much of the world and spend so much time thinking about the ever evolving world around the player characters, all of the consequences of their actions, their inactions, the history and the possible futures, that I have all these ideas kicking around in my head that I think would be fun if I was playing one of the characters.

I should be more respectful of my players, the time they offer up to play in the game, and what they want to put in, and get out of the game. I need to slim things down and make the story structure decision tree simpler. Non-trivial decisions need to be dramatic and have clear impact and consequences in order to make decision making less nebulous. Hopefully that way we’ll get more fun out of our games. More collaborative storytelling. Less indecision.

One thing is for sure, I should ask them for feedback more often.

Conjunction of Planes Recaps


Below is a list to each of the recaps written for the overarching Conjunction of Planes campaign. Sometimes they’re written from a particular character’s perspective, but most of the time they are a matter of record keeping by the Dungeon Master.


Session Timeline Title
136.5 Third Day, Second Ride, Autumn Twilight, 1262 Sly and Subtle Folk
136 Second Day, Second Ride, Autumn Twilight, 1262 Last Minute Errands
135.5 Second Day, Second Ride, Autumn Twilight, 1262 Calling in the Cavalry
135 Second Day, Second Ride, Autumn Twilight, 1262 Certainty is for the Dead
134 Second Day, Second Ride, Autumn Twilight, 1262 Prayer, Communion and Visitation
133 Second Day, Second Ride, Autumn Twilight, 1262 The Battle at Kinbrace Bluff
132 First Day, Second Ride, Autumn Twilight, 1262 The Good Sisters’ Rebuke
131 First Day, Second Ride, Autumn Twilight, 1262 An Unexpected Gift
130 First Day, Second Ride, Autumn Twilight, 1262 Heresy and Zealotry
129 First Day, Second Ride, Autumn Twilight, 1262 The Draconic Journal Page
128 First Day, Second Ride, Autumn Twilight, 1262 Meeting Kasia
127 Tenth Day, First Ride, Autumn Twilight, 1262 The Arrival of a Scholar
126 Tenth Day, First Ride, Autumn Twilight, 1262 From One Mother to Another
125 Tenth Day, First Ride, Autumn Twilight, 1262 A Five Count to Escalation
124 Tenth Day, First Ride, Autumn Twilight, 1262 A Sudden Change in Direction
123 Ninth Day, First Ride, Autumn Twilight, 1262 The Blood of Alban
122 Ninth Day, First Ride, Autumn Twilight, 1262 The Difference Between Urgent and Important
121 Ninth Day, First Ride, Autumn Twilight, 1262 Farewell to the Dead
120 Ninth Day, First Ride, Autumn Twilight, 1262 Dreams of Summer
119 Eighth Day, First Ride, Autumn Twilight, 1262 The Naming of Cats
118 Eighth Day, First Ride, Autumn Twilight, 1262 Recovering the Plumes of the Duskmaven
117 Eighth Day, First Ride, Autumn Twilight, 1262 A Day of Visits
116 Eighth Day, First Ride, Autumn Twilight, 1262 Kingsport and Its Environs
115 Seventh Day, First Ride, Autumn Twilight, 1262 Source and Origins of Magic
114 Sixth Day, First Ride, Autumn Twilight, 1262 That Empty Feeling
113 Sixth Day, First Ride, Autumn Twilight, 1262 Struggle, Survival and Succession
Fiction: A Plague Upon Kingsport
112 Sixth Day, First Ride, Autumn Twilight, 1262 The Newport Vault
111 Fifth Day, First Ride, Autumn Twilight, 1262 Out of the Frying Pan
110 Fifth Day, First Ride, Autumn Twilight, 1262 Stumbling Upon Conflict
109 Fifth Day, First Ride, Autumn Twilight, 1262 Chaos in the Headquarters of the Night Master
108 Fifth Day, First Ride, Autumn Twilight, 1262 Infiltrating the Headquarters of the Night Master
107 Fourth Day, First Ride, Autumn Twilight, 1262 Finding the Headquarters of the Night Master
106 Fourth Day, First Ride, Autumn Twilight, 1262 Over a Fucking Fish!?
105 Fourth Day, First Ride, Autumn Twilight, 1262 Old Relationships
104 Fourth Day, First Ride, Autumn Twilight, 1262 Finding Stable Ground
103 Third Day, First Ride, Autumn Twilight, 1262 Xarrombus
102 Second Day, First Ride, Autumn Twilight, 1262 A Crown of Flesh
101 Second Day, First Ride, Autumn Twilight, 1262 The Aberrant Lords
100 Second Day, First Ride, Autumn Twilight, 1262 Infiltrating the Dark Delirium Operation
99 Second Day, First Ride, Autumn Twilight, 1262 Grim, Soot and Dark Delirium
98 First Day, First Ride, Autumn Twilight, 1262 Grimsdown Observation
97 First Day, First Ride, Autumn Twilight, 1262 Tracking Down Hamish Black
96 Tenth Day, Third Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 Feather White and Black
95 Tenth Day, Third Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 A New Course of Action
94 Tenth Day, Third Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 Escape from Arkenward’s Sanctum
93 Tenth Day, Third Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 Venoxxis
92 Tenth Day, Third Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 The Third Tablet of the Elemental Eye
91 Tenth Day, Third Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 A Ghastly Menagerie
90 Ninth Day, Third Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 Defeating the Sanctum Guardian
89 Ninth Day, Third Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 The Entrance of Arkenward’s Sanctum
88 Ninth Day, Third Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 Abjuration and Divination
87 Ninth Day, Third Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 Dreams and a New Direction
86 Eighth Day, Third Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 Two Friends, One Lost and One Found
85 Eighth Day, Third Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 Sacrifice and Forgotten Memories
84 Seventh Day, Third Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 Reviving a Friend
83 Seventh Day, Third Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 Gods and Monsters
82 Seventh Day, Third Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 The Death of a Queen
81 Sixth Day, Third Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 The Cost of Breaking Curses
80 Sixth Day, Third Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 Towed Back to Kingsport
79 Fifth Day, Third Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 Down the River Ivel
78 Third Day, Third Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 Return to Rivermeet
77 Third Day, Third Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 The Vault of the Senhadrim
76 Third Day, Third Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 Defeating Xamael the Dreadlord
75 Third Day, Third Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 Confronting Xamael the Defiler
74 Second Day, Third Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 The Hall of the Senhadrim
73 Second Day, Third Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 Exploring the Senhadrim Quarters, The Final Stretch
72 Second Day, Third Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 Exploring the Senhadrim Quarters, Continued
71 First Day, Third Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 Exploring the Senhadrim Quarters
70 First Day, Third Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 Arrival at the Sunken Temple
69 Ninth Day, Second Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 To Wyrmblood Lake
68 Eighth Day, Second Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 The Good Sisters of the Grove
67 Seventh Day, Second Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 Blackbough Downtime
66 Sixth Day, Second Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 Graveyard Consequences
65 Sixth Day, Second Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 Blackbough and its Villagers
64 Fifth Day, Second Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 Arriving in Blackbough
63 Third Day, Second Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 Ignis Fatuus
62 First Day, Second Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 Mud and Missed Opportunities
61 First Day, Second Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 Arrival in Eastray
60 Tenth Day, First Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 A Curious Child
59 Tenth Day, First Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 A Firebrand Sermon
58 Ninth Day, First Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 Escape from the Carceratum
56 Ninth Day, First Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 Rats!
55 Ninth Day, First Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 The Rebel Lords
54 Ninth Day, First Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 Preparing to Liberate the Rebel Lords
53 Eighth Day, First Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 Orchids, Flowers and Thorns
52 Eighth Day, First Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 Investigating the Sick Queen
51 Eighth Day, First Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 The Khazra Skull
50 Sixth Day, First Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 A Mother and Son Separated
49 Fifth Day, First Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 A Mother and Son Reunited
48 Fifth Day, First Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 Bringing in a Bounty
47 Fifth Day, First Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 Kalina’s Ladder
46 Fourth Day, First Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 A Chase in the Dark
45 Fourth Day, First Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 The Reaverhaunt Caverns
44 Third Day, First Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 Remembrance and Reward
43 Third Day, First Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 A Fierce Reminder of Old Friends
42 Third Day, First Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 Hot Pursuit!
41 Second Day, First Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 In Preparation for Departure
40 Second Day, First Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 Meeting an Old Friend While Tracking Down an Enemy
39 Second Day, First Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 On the Silesian Trail
38 First Day, First Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 A Kingsport Homecoming
37 Highharvestide, 1262 A Swift Return to Kingsport
36 Highharvestide, 1262 Highharvestide Celebration
35 Highharvestide, 1262 New Beginnings
34 Third Day, Third Wik, Æftera Līþa (Pasture Mōnaþ), 736th Year of the Crusade A Great Sacrifice
33 Third Day, Third Wik, Æftera Līþa (Pasture Mōnaþ), 736th Year of the Crusade Atilesceon the Artificer
32 Second Day, Third Wik, Æftera Līþa (Pasture Mōnaþ), 736th Year of the Crusade An Inevitable Confrontation
31 Second Day, Third Wik, Æftera Līþa (Pasture Mōnaþ), 736th Year of the Crusade Broken Curses and Cycles
30 Second Day, Third Wik, Æftera Līþa (Pasture Mōnaþ), 736th Year of the Crusade Escaping the Madness
29 Second Day, Third Wik, Æftera Līþa (Pasture Mōnaþ), 736th Year of the Crusade Dreams of Dying
28 Third Day, Second Ride, Summer Flame, 1262 Exploring the Crimson Tower
27 First Day, Second Ride, Summer Flame, 1262 The Tower At Last
26 Tenth Day, First Ride, Summer Flame, 1262 A Simple Lock of Hair
25 Tenth Day, First Ride, Summer Flame, 1262 Welcome to Pinefall
Emma, Session 25
24 Eighth Day, First Ride, Summer Flame, 1262 Through the Silverpine Hills
Emma, Session 24
23 Sixth Day, First Ride, Summer Flame, 1262 Travel to Pinefall
Emma, Session 23
22 Sixth Day, First Ride, Summer Flame, 1262 Liliana the Instigator
21 Fifth Day, First Ride, Summer Flame, 1262 Battling the Procyon
Emma, Session 21
20 Fourth Day, First Ride, Summer Flame, 1262 Council and Consequences
Emma, Session 20
19 Fourth Day, First Ride, Summer Flame, 1262 A Time of Contempt
Emma, Session 19
18 Second Day, First Ride, Summer Flame, 1262 The Allenham Pogrom
Emma, Session 18
17 Second Day, First Ride, Summer Flame, 1262 Egremont to Blackbridge
16 Second Day, First Ride, Summer Flame, 1262 The Old Queen
Emma, Session 16
15 First Day, First Ride, Summer Flame, 1262 Alfred Barnaby’s Pest Problem
Emma, Session 15
14 Tenth Day, Third Ride, Summer Light, 1262 Lyrium and Lore
Emma, Session 14
13 Ninth Day, Third Ride, Summer Light, 1262 Arrival in Bournemouth
Emma, Session 13
12 Eighth Day, Third Ride, Summer Light, 1262 Broken Faith
Emma, Session 12
11 Seventh Day, Third Ride, Summer Light, 1262 Departing Kingsport
Emma, Session 11
10 Seventh Day, Third Ride, Summer Light, 1262 Running Errands, Making Friends and Gaining Information in Kingsport
9 Sixth Day, Third Ride, Summer Light, 1262 The Royal Ruse
Emma, Session 9
8 Sixth Day, Third Ride, Summer Light, 1262 Of Orcs and Men, Jail Break!
Emma, Session 8
7 Fifth Day, Third Ride, Summer Light, 1262 Of Orcs and Men
Emma, Session 7
6 Fourth Day, Third Ride, Summer Light, 1262 Closing the Portal and Returning to the Estate
Emma, Session 6
5 Third Day, Third Ride, Summer Light, 1262 Finding the Source of the Infestation
Emma, Session 5
4 Third Day, Third Ride, Summer Light, 1262 Return to the Catacombs
Emma, Session 4
3 Second Day, Third Ride, Summer Light, 1262 The Return to House Sheridan
Emma, Session 3
2 Second Day, Third Ride, Summer Light, 1262 A Descent into Darkness
Emma, Session 2
1 First Day, Third Ride, Summer Light, 1262
Summer Solstice
In Service to a Mysterious Noble House
Emma, Session 1


Verdant Kingdoms Timeline

Date Event
Sixth Day, First Ride, Autumn Twilight, 1262 Xarrombus, the once guardian of the Newport vault, is defeated by the Heroes of the White Eye, sending a shockwave throughout Kingsport and its environs. Many people are reported to have died in the night, while even more reported terrifying nightmares.

Epidemius the Cataloguer appeared in Kingsport through a rift, demanding his Book of Woe be returned to him. He promised to return at a full cycle of the Darkmoon and visit decay upon the city should the artefact not be returned to him.

Seventh Day, Third Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 Queen Isabella Valois was revived by the Heroes of the White Eye. Her aunt, princess Mildred was killed in the process as she was trying to stop the queen’s revival, outing her as an agent of Takhisis. The princess’ husband, lord Gabriel was also killed.
Third Day, Third Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 Kalauranthalasis and Azsharastrasza died in the fight against Xamael the Dreadlord, who in turn was defeated by the Heroes of the White Eye, banished back to the Nine Hells.
Tenth Day, First Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 The living saint, prior Benedict McAllister, delivered a sermon at the Cathedral of the Platinum Father which shocked the foundation of the church.
Ninth Day, First Ride, Autumn Red, 1262 After days of rioting in the Carceratum, the rebel lords broke out of the prison and escaped from custody.
First ride of Autumn Red, 1262 A riot broke out in the Carceratum and several crownsguard were held hostage. The crownsguard is blocking the entrance, while the rioters are threatening to kill the hostages. Lord Gabriel assumed command of the crownsguard and temporarily relieved Lady Commander Miranda Ravensbourne of her command.
Third ride, Autumn Harvest, 1262 The queen found a box in her ante-chamber. When she opened it, it had a head of a goat man in it with nails stuck in its eyes and strange symbols carved on its horns. The queen immediately sounded the alarm and the grounds were thoroughly searched. No intruders were found and the morbid package was taken away. The next morning, the queen fell to illness, slipping into a torpor from which she has not awakened.

Accusations of dark sorcery were levelled at House Radowan, claiming that the rebels were in league with demon worshippers and had made pacts with warlocks. This has mostly been lead by Lord Gabriel Valois-Antille, who has used his connections in the capital city to spread rumours of dark sorcery by leaking propaganda to Goodman, the Kingsport crier and Prem Shakeslock, trying to shape public opinion

 Autumn Harvest, 1262 Regular emissaries were sent back and forth between Kingsport and Farcorner. Things got heated, hostages were taken, but it did not come to open warfare yet. Houses began to speculate on the queen’s inaction, and the divide between support and opposition to the rebels grew even wider.
Third Ride, Summer End, 1262 A cart filled with tarred heads of goat men was delivered to Kingsport by an armed escort of House Fetterling, Mazurek and Longstrider guards. It was meant as proof of the invasion of savages into Farcorner. It was decried by the noble houses of the westerlands as a crude gesture.

Every ride for the next month, carts of body parts were delivered by the rebels. At first they were sent to the Circle for examination. Later they were immediately destroyed.

Second Ride, Summer Flame, 1262 Lord Royce Grey of House Grey, escorted by crownsguard and knights of the Order of the Lance, was dispatched to Farcorner to parlay for a solution. Upon arrival, they were taken hostage with a few casualties. Lord Royce was separated from the guards and knights and moved around from location to location to prevent his rescue.

When news returned back to Kingsport, House Grey was outraged and called for the crown to field troops to bring down House Radowan. The queen refused to wage war against the rebellious houses without exhausting diplomatic options first, but refused to blindly give in to house Radowan’s demands. It was the crown’s opinion that it was up to House Radowan to secure the eastern border as they had for generations.

First Ride, Summer Flame, 1262 Lord Szymon Radowan, younger brother to Lord Mirek, was sent as an emissary to Kingsport to once again plead for the crown’s help. He was detained in the Kingsport Carceratum on orders of the Steward of Kingsport for treason in a move that was meant to pull house Radowan back in line.
Summer Light, 1262 House Radowan and its banners moved to stand in open rebellion to the crown, withholding its dues and refusing to levy taxes from their people until the crown commited aid to protecting the kingdom’s eastern border from the encroaching threat of the savage races coming from Silesia.
1258 Brief rebellion of House Courtenay
1258 Queen Isabella takes the throne. Age 12.

King Augustine is assassinated by foreigners. Age 41.

1256 Queen Consort Luciana dies from winter fever.
1246 Crown princess Isabella born.
1238 First Royal master angler competition
1237 Prince consort Amrand dies.
1221 House Sheridan was lifted into nobility for their actions in defeating the dreaded Admiral Dapperfang.
1217 Royal armada sunk at the Lyrian Tooth by Admiral Dapperfang, who was eventually brought to heel by House Grey with the help of merchant vessels from the Sheridan Trading Company.
1217 Crown prince Augustine born.
Summer End, 1069 Negotiations between King Phillip Valois II and Pinrce Guillaume de Launfal were finalised under the arbitration of the Daerlan kingdom and the Beauclair troops withdrew from Lyria.
First Day, Third Ride, Winter Eve, 1068 On Midinváerne, King Phillip Valois II narrowly escaped an assassination attempt by five szygani while at Gryphon’s Roost.
Eighth Day, Second Ride, Spring Blossom, 1064 Kingsport captured by Prince Guillaume de Launfal. King Phillip Valois II fled Kingsport and Prince Guillaume was declared regent of Lyria.
Greengras, 1064 Invasion of Lyria by Prince Guillaume de Launfal
Autumn Twilight, 941 King Phillip d’Aragon III decrees the emancipation of women.
917 Declan of Ioun, a Lyrian scholar, finishes his Treatise on Bloodlines of Beauclair Nobility.
Second Day, First Ride, Spring Storm, 872 Defeat of the Càrcerian armada at the Lyrian Tooth.
730 Càrceres makes a breakthrough in irrigation technology, allowing them produce fresh fruits quick and in abundance. Especially citrus and cinnas fruits.
0, 2500th Year of the Crusade Start of the new calendar, the start of the Age of Peace
1250th Year of the Crusade End of the Age of Fear, the end of the crusade, the start of The Great Waning
2nd Day, 3rd Wik, Æftera Līþa, 736th Year of the Crusade Defeat of the 17th Gryphon’s Roost Expedition to Atilesceon’s Tower
620th Year of the Crusade Founding of Lyria, crowning Sir William of Garamond as the first king of Lyria
600th Year of the Crusade Founding of the Order of the Gryphon by Sir William of Garamond
300th Year of the Crusade Founding of the Knights of the Silver Crusade by Sir Marcus Garamond.
0: Year of the Crusade Start of the old calendar, start of the crusade, start of the Age of Fear
1250th Year Before the Crusade The start of the Age of Arcanum

Cycles and Ages

Every cycle lasts for five millenia. Like the cycles of the moon, it follows the phases of low sanction, waxing, high sanction and waning. Each phase takes 1250 years. The phases of the last cycle are referred to, in modern parlance, as an Age.

Date Cycles and Ages
1250th Year of the New Calendar The New Age: strength of magic is waxing, the tide of magic is rising
2500th Year of the Crusade, Start of the New Calendar Age of Peace: strength of magic is at low sanction, low tide of magic
1250th Year of the Crusade The Great Waning: strength of magic is waning, the tide of magic is lowering
The Year of the Crusade The Age of Fear: strength of magic is at high sanction, high tide of magic
1250th Year Before the Crusade The Age of Arcanum: strength of magic is waxing, the tide of magic is rising